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What are all the website design best practices?

Technology, Internet - Dec 2, 2021



The appearance of website is important but most people not visit your site to evaluate that and see the website design,they are here to get their job done.

The unnessary designs make the site slow only...

Visual Hierarchy

Visual Hierarchy in Graphic Design is the way we arrange all different graphic elements from the composition and create a visual order depending on their importance, being the most important information the first we saw in the design.

These are the important things to keep in mind while doing a website apppearence.

  1. Size and Scale
  2. Color and contrast
  3. Typographic Hierarchy
  4. Spacing
  5. Proximity
  6. Alignment
  7. Repetition
  8. Leading lines

Simple and Easy Navigation

Users need to be able to quickly and easily find the information they want on your site. If they can’t access the details they need to make an informed decision, they’re unlikely to convert.

Some tips:

  1. Keep the structure of your primary navigation simple.
  2. Include navigation in the footer of your site.
  3. Consider using breadcrumbs on every page except your homepage.
  4. Include a search bar near the top of your site so visitors can search by keywords.
  5. Don't offer too many navigation options per page.
  6. Include links within your page and make it clear where those links go.


You should also make sure that your design is consistent throughout your site. This will provide a cohesive feel and provide users with a positive experience.

In addition to keeping your navigation consistent, the overall look and feel of your site should be similar across all of your site's pages.

By using those layouts consistently, you'll make it easier for visitors to understand what type of information they're likely to find on a given page.

Use Responsive Design

People are going to access your website from multiple types of devices, including desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones. You need to make sure that all of them can access and navigate your pages and the best way to do this is with responsive design.

According to Statista Mobile accounts for approximately half of web traffic worldwide. In the first quarter of 2021, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 54.8 percent of global website traffic, consistently hovering around the 50 percent mark since the beginning of 2017.

To provide a truly great user experience, your site has to be compatible with the many different devices that your visitors are using. In the tech world, this is known as responsive design.

With responsive design, you can be sure that you’re providing a great experience for all of your visitors. This can lead them to spend more time on your site, increasing the number of pages they visit, as well as the chances of them converting.


Accessibility means designing websites and applications that can be used by individuals who have visual, motor, auditory, speech, or cognitive disabilities.

  1. Use contrast colours for visually impaired people to differentiate background color and the content.
  2. The functionality of your website should be possible in different ways.
  3. Create the content and alerts that should be easily understood.

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